Memory Bundles

As a migrant, it is sometimes difficult to have access to those objects that hold your memories. Time and distance makes them slowly become blurry and incomplete, as if they belong to someone else.

You carefully select and discard things as you make your way around the world, keeping those easier to transport and with the highest value of meaning in our suitcase, all bundled together.

With time, you slowly become a memory thief in a desperate move for reconstructing your own past. Your memories are not enough.

You steal, you take, you borrow, you transfer and transform the meaning that objects hold for others. Their precious stories are now yours… but at what cost?

Memory Bundles (selection), 22 x 33 x 2cm (aprox.), assemblage of childhood drawings, accumulated artworks, stolen photographs and other documents. 2022


one by one to one million


bit by bit